MGP sources various products from a wide range of industries based on client requests.
We are not limited in the products we source and have the resources to locate and successfully deliver any products to and from anywhere in the world within a reasonable
amount of time.
We work efficiently.
We work professionally
The are no limitations on what we can source within the bounds of reason
Industries We Operate In
Health & Safefty
oil & Gas
Information technology
Industrial manufacturing
Chemicals & Materials
Transportation & Logistics
Tell Us What You Need
-We don’t take longer than 72 hours to respond on average.
– We have the best and most competitive prices.
– We only source from the best and most reliable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do You Have a Product Catalog ?
Unfortunately not, MGP provides a wide range of products with very little limitation based on client requests. We work with a large number of vendors who offer a wide variety of product ranges that
cannot all be highlighted in a single document.
Can Unsolicited Quotations Be Received ?
Yes, we may accept unsolicited quotations but only after we have carried out due diligence to verify the nature, legitimacy, and reputation of the business.
How Much Is Your Minimum Order Quantity ?
MGP does not have a fixed minimum order quantity as several factors influence the acceptable quantity. These factors include the end-destination, the type of products, and product value which will all be measured against the cost for us to deliver quality products at the best prices.
How Do I Build A Long-term Relationship With MGP As a Vendor ?
After applying and going through the approval process, MGP has an internal system used to evaluate vendor performance. Based on your overall rating, MGP will determine after a review that takes place periodically whether certain vendors can remain as suitable MGP partners.
Get Started Today
Rua Da Policia,
Bairro A Resistencia, Cabinda
+244 23 122 2023
Angra Fria Street,
Kleine Kuppe, Windhoek
+264 61 271 047